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What is the general price range for a KFD?

General price range at KFD is $700-$1700. To see pricing on particular items, you can always check our website. But here is some general info on how pricing works.

1. At the lower end of our range is going to be smaller caps, with non highlighted hair, up to shoulder length
2. At the higher end of our range is going to be lace cap, longer hair on a lace cap that’s highlighted is the highest end of our pricing range.
3. In general, larger caps and longer hair will add to the price, as well as adding color such as highlights, rooting, etc.
I’m wearing KFD lace on this reel. A similar piece is in the product tag.
All price are in USD. We hope this info is helpful in your shopping experience. You can also use the website to price out a custom piece or send us a message with any questions.

KFD does not include cut or style.

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How do I measure for my Kippah Fall?

The most important things to remember are:

1. Every single kfd is layered in front. Length always refers to the longest pieces in the back and the front pieces will be at least 2” shorter.

2. When measuring you’re own hair, you must start from where you clip in, not the crown and you also need to measure down the back, not the side. 

3. Finally, if your hair isn’t layered in front. You will need to order a longer piece with the intention to trim the back.

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What is a Kippah Fall?

What Is A KFD Kippah Fall?

The best thing about a kippah fall is no headaches!

The fall is brilliantly designed to match and attach to your own natural hair without any fuss.  The built in clips surround a comfortably adjustable cap (kippah) that can begin as high as the hairline and sits on the crown of the head.  The falls are custom made and can be designed to cover virtually all your natural hair.

As a result, the fall does not pull, tug or squeeze your head all day long.

The fall is very natural looking, made with human hair, and can be tinted to blend with your own hair. A kippah fall offers you the same conveniences of a typical fall such as easy care and coverage, but also provides body, volume and the ability to wear up -dos. 

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How long does a custom order take?

Custom orders take between 6 and 10 weeks.

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If you color a piece is it more likely to oxidize?

It is not the case, in our experience. All wigs oxidize to a certain degree.

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Is it possible to cover a lot of hair with a KFD?

Yes! See our "Caps" highlights on Instagram. We show all our cap sizes on a model, using hair color that is different from the model's own, so you can really see what is wig and what isn't.

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I'm not in New York. How can I order a KFD?

We have a few ways that you can do this:

1. Order here on our website!

2. We offer phone consultations to plan your order. Once we receive your refundable deposit, we will send you a color wheel to help you decide which color works best for you.

3. We currently have a rep who pops-up in Israel.

4. On occasion, we pop-up outside of the New York area. To stay informed, join the mailing list for your area.

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How do I make an appointment?

To stay informed regarding our pop-up dates and locations, join our mailing list here. Select whichever location is appropriate for you. We send out our appointment links one week before each pop-up.

To schedule a private appointment, please fill out our appointment request form here.

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Do you convert full falls into Kippah Falls?


Be in touch with us here and we'll help you get your fall or full wig converted to a Kippah Fall. 

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Where are you located?

We are based on Long Island, by appointment only during the week/daytime. We have pop-ups in different areas around NY approximately 1x per week.

To stay informed regarding our pop-up dates and locations, join our mailing list here. Select whichever location is appropriate for you. We send out our appointment links one week before each pop-up.

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I'm a kallah. Any tips?

So many! Here are the most important ones:

1. Order your piece as early as possible. Although nothing usually goes wrong, we always suggest leaving time just in case.

2. Most people that cover their hair need more than 1 wig. That being said, buy 1 to start with. Wear it. See what you like and don't like, and go from there. It's hard to know what works before you wear it.

3. If you order custom and you receive the piece before your wedding, wear it around the house when you get it. Make sure that you are happy with the piece while it's still returnable (within 2 weeks of receipt).

4. When scheduling your appointment, mention that you are a kallah. If you think you need a lot of time to figure out what works, schedule a private appointment.

5. If you are newly married and you bought wigs that you are not happy with, you can convert them to kippah falls. You will not have wasted money on the piece, and it will be lighter and more comfortable once you convert it. Just remember, when you convert the piece to a Kippah Fall, you will lose some length on the piece.

Covering and Comfort is possible!!!

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What is your return policy?

Any pieces purchased from current stock are eligible for a full refund.

All custom orders are eligible for refund. A 10% restocking fee will be applied.

KFD items may be returned or exchanged within 2 weeks of receipt. Items may be returned or exchanged only if they are in new condition (no dyeing, washing, gelling, cutting, etc...).

Kippah Falls Direct does not cover the cost of return shipping.

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Can I exchange an item?

Yes! We offer exchanges on all our items. Please know that any custom order will have a 10% restocking fee applied, prior to the exchange.

KFD items may be returned or exchanged within 2 weeks of receipt. Items may be returned or exchanged only if they are in new condition (no dyeing, washing, gelling, cutting, etc...).

Kippah Falls Direct does not cover the cost of return shipping.

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